LAWnB e-Handbook: 디지털 전환시대의 국내외 리걸 이슈 Vol.2 - 온라인플랫폼, 디지털 저작권 및 정보보호
전 세계의 디지털 전환 속도가 가속화됨에 따라 오프라인에서 온라인 중심으로 빠르게 변화해가며 이에 따른 법적ㆍ제도적 변화도 함께 활발하게 진행되고 있습니다.
특히, 온라인플랫폼을 통한 거래 규모 확대에 따른 온라인플랫폼의 우월적 지위가 더욱 강화되는 상황에서 전 세계적으로 온라인플랫폼에 대한 규제를 통해 디지털 경제시장의 불공정 행위를 차단하려는 시도가 이어지고 있습니다. 현재 국내에서도 「온라인플랫폼 중개거래의 공정화에 관한 법률」(이하 ‘온라인 플랫폼 공정화법’), 「온라인플랫폼 이용자 보호에 관한...
Westlaw Middle East - Getting Started
Are you new to Westlaw Middle East or would like a refresher ? This webinar demonstrates the Westlaw Middle East platform and tools, to equip you to efficiently navigate and search the platform.
Westlaw Middle East - Getting Started
Are you new to Westlaw Middle East or would like a refresher ? This webinar demonstrates the Westlaw Middle East platform and tools, to equip you to efficiently navigate and search the platform.
Westlaw Middle East - Getting Started
Are you new to Westlaw Middle East or would like a refresher ? This webinar demonstrates the Westlaw Middle East platform and tools, to equip you to efficiently navigate and search the platform.
Practical Law (Global Law Department) – Research Essentials
Are you new to Practical Law or would like a refresher ? This webinar demonstrates the Practical Law platform and tools, to equip you to efficiently navigate and search the platform.
Practical Law (Global Law Department) – Research Essentials
Are you new to Practical Law or would like a refresher ? This webinar demonstrates the Practical Law platform and tools, to equip you to efficiently navigate and search the platform.
Practical Law (Global Law Department) – Research Essentials
Are you new to Practical Law or would like a refresher ? This webinar demonstrates the Practical Law platform and tools, to equip you to efficiently navigate and search the platform.
Westlaw Classic - Quick Reference Guide (한국어)
Westlaw Asia - Researching Legislation and Commentary (Hong Kong and United Kingdom)
The session outlines the steps to conduct legal research for Hong Kong and United Kingdom legislation, journals and commentary using Westlaw Asia.